Prism Defence at Euronaval 2018

Prism Defence will be at Euronaval as part of Team Defence Australia.

Led by our CEO and Experimental Test Pilot, Craig Mathews, our team are there to engage and work with customers and industry colleagues and partners to talk through our range of products and services. A highlight will be the latest development of HeliSAFE.

HeliSAFE is an advanced software solution developed by Prism Defence. It streamlines the management of, and compliance with, ship–helicopter operating limits (SHOL), operational policies and procedures — all of which are integral to airworthiness assurance at sea.
HeliSAFE software can be used on standard or touch screen computers and tablets or it can be integrated with multi-function consoles onboard air-capable ships. The ship’s environmental sensors, motion data and the SHOL data are routed to a central HeliSAFE server. The operator is able to safely direct and manage aviation operations at sea with simplicity, confidence and assurance. The unique ability to overlay SHOL for multiple aircraft, procedures, and states, which are automatically presented as a combined SHOL, places HeliSAFE at the forefront of embarked aviation management and assurance solutions.
